Estratégia de design global com o Crowdin
Localiza a interface de utilizador do teu produto na fase de design. Certifica-te de que novos idiomas não prejudicarão o design e pré-visualiza a interface multilingue antes de a implementar.
Benefícios de localizar a interface do teu produto
Alcança um público maior
Melhora a experiência do utilizador
Reforça a reputação da marca
Aumenta as vendas e os lucros
Acelera, dimensiona e automatiza a localização de interfaces com o Crowdin
O Crowdin é uma poderosa plataforma de localização que simplifica o processo de localização, poupando tempo e recursos.
Make Your UI Multilingual

"It’s the best translation tool for us to localize our user interface with a global community of volunteers. Both volunteers and in-house proofreaders can interact on the same platform, ask questions and exchange opinions about the best possible translation. Crowdin also makes it very easy for new translators to join our project to empower people to fix their stuff and save money while keeping electronics out of landfills."

"I was super impressed by the Crowdin in-context localization feature – I didn’t even know that something like this would be possible, when I first started looking for TMS solutions for our company; but once I’d seen it, I knew that it was something that I definitely had to have."

"After evaluating a lot of tools, we finally decided for crowdin because of the amazing in-context translation, which works well in our agile processes."
Quem irá traduzir sua IU?
You can tap into your user base and have members of the community contribute to the translation of your user interface.
Your in-house team
You can have members of your in-house team who are fluent in the target language handle the translation.
Agency from marketplace
You can find an agency on a freelancing platform that specializes in localization and translation services on Crowdin Store
Crowdin Language Services
Crowdin offers language services, providing professional, fast, and high-quality translations.
Outra empresa
You can work with a language services agency that is not affiliated with Crowdin.